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How Right-Wing Capitalist Politicism in Africa and India can teach Europe and Asia


Image: The Circulation of Money Fountain found in Aachen, Germany. © Photo by Jim Linwood


It seems that the development of African countries is interestingly enduring; this is contradictory to those institutions which demand nationalist prerogatives. So how is it possible to harmonise development policy with nationalist tendencies? One of the brightest examples which can inspire us is to be observed in India and other Asiatic states, where we learn how we can act resiliently and bring forth solutions via simple social and entrepreneurial initiatives. This piece features a simple configuration over the same frugalities that are existent and affecting the international community.

A Special Insight into Africa and India: An Inspirational Prerogative to Consider

Africa is great. The African people know how to develop. Their skills, like the innovative Asians, are awesome at their entrepreneurial initiatives which affect moderate development. And I know that they shall develop at a pace that nobody expected. However, the genuine factor that is lost is its recognition.

People see Africa as a poor economy. China misused this perception and applied loaning suppression[1] on them. China is not benefiting those countries[2]. Zimbabwe is learning and understanding after those cross influences. The Seychelles and Nigeria are thriving and can still endeavour to do better. Ethiopia, for example, has recently proved in its industrial and social developments that it can indeed do better.[3].

Communism is not going to come back. But even this is the same with far-right thinking. Nationalism, from the Orwellian realm of 1984, which was preconceived to be a concomitant of Nazi or Fascist thought in Europe, is not at stake to return, as ideologies that are proposed these days by leaders such as Jacob Rees-Mogg, Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen, Viktor Orban and others, are futile to exist. Any of the social phenomenon like Islamophobia, xenophobia, hostile notions towards immigrants and refugees, the corporate model minority myth as in the US (particularly biased against Asian-Americans), and other such manipulated realms, certainly do not have any value. The reason is that an ideology requires a social base, and the development of a cyber and globalist society has liberalised public upfront, while still in Eastern Europe, in some regions of UK and others, it is not easy to speculate, and such problems still persist. But any dictatorship, in some terms, akin to Communism, has an economic backing. Nationalist politicians feed their initiatives via corporate capabilities. How come economics appears to be supporting them? It is not doing so because the economic and social realms of such democracies require political reasons[4]. And by the way - USA[5], India[6], Brazil[7], UK[8], EU countries such as Hungary, France, etc., and Turkey - when you employ big corporate giants to feed authoritarianism, it means that money makes mobs and wealth is all about your own control on people. But Benito Mussolini and Hitler never did that. Not even Joseph Stalin. And not even Mr. Putin, the Russian President. None of these leaders.

So, you can understand that liberalism and globalization has improved a lot of things. The enforced development of the rule of law and social welfare is not in need with cognisance of those old models, so what is the realm that resides in conflict? There is no direct answer to any such problem, apart from succeeding to understand if possible, the nuptial life of authoritarianism and capitalist ignorance (and not capitalism). And if we want to have such a divorce instead of the Brexit-based divorce, which Farage expected from Denmark (which never happened), it is imperative to have a legitimate pursuit after either a second referendum (which is uncertain and unclear) or some legislative clarity in the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement, which is important.

Capitalism in Europe and Asia needs to be Re-engineered

The United Nations, when established, was active, yet failing miserably in some of its affairs. And it happened during those times in the Cold War regime. Imagine if you let war be treated as a business, then it is seemingly true that proxy wars, fake hostilities and insurgent attacks are only fake. The same claim is made against China and other eastern nations. Do not defame them. They have a long way to go, and the people of India, Africa, Ukraine, Poland, Japan and other prominent countries are still thriving to improve and do the best they can, to benefit their societies.

So, first thing’s first: let capitalism be re-engineered by inviting innovative and small-scale start-ups and the due encouragement of social-level encouragement to entrepreneurship. At this stage, social choice will increase, political stability of an average social mind will increase and people will become so busy that no one would underestimate those xenophobic fears, etc. And it seems this does indeed occur. This inference can be understood in what the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the EU Copyright Protection Directive seeks to follow. Herein, the provisions of these regulations force commerce giants to pay and recognize the individual cyber-digital and economic-marketing liberty of every user, page, post, reaction and even content flowed via different means on the platform, for which Mark Zuckerberg is efficiently sued.[9] Facebook, like Spotify, Twitter, Google and other digital giants, have to learn this the hard way, without becoming inefficient. Being provocative in terms of effect rendered by the impeccable social materialization of information on cyberspace does not ever entail a single chance towards the due means to some better ends that lead to some chance of endurance for society. This, in actual terms, needs solidarity and a candidness expressed by the users when a platform becomes an issue of identity-based contamination in cyberspace.

Secondly, fascist agendas in the last century were embedded with success, though only half-baked because of the fact that they had turned out to be just sparingly motivated. In fact, after the legal system’s distinction from religion as an institutional factor, the regimes of law and economics progressed from a positivist, vis-a-vis rigid enterprising, to synthetic jurisprudence with social innovation and entrepreneurship. How did this happen?

It happened because we didn't fall blind to extremism. It is extremist motivations and not external motivations that require stupid ideologies, and those ideologies require a basis. The mob lynching cases occurring in India are unpredictable and shameful, but they lack one special element; and that element is their identity (coveted in the fashion of political strategies). People are roused strategically, and only by the few major leaders who produce the instability that we face. So, what? Having lots of Whatsapp groups means just propagandist centralities, something which determines that the propagation of such extremist prerogatives can be still polarised and not concrete, which establishes that its core and pro-core factions are weak.

Cooperation is Free: Bear Costs If Really Needed

This is the same problem with the laws of censorship, including on defamation and pornography. You can make something out of a law if the law has no jurisprudential entrepreneurship and economical scope. Why is the Constitution of India of 1950 a masterpiece while the Syrian Constitution is not? The 2012 Syrian Constitution lacks political, social and administrative stability. The Indian Constitution relies on a taxation regime in its 7th Schedule, and this is very important. Also, its approach to Article 21, even if interpreted a lot of times by the Supreme Court of India to be rather a composition of life and dignity (which is not sufficient as we need a charter of Human Lives, Rights and Liberties in India), seems clear that we need to solve those trajectories and draft our observations more efficiently, and materialize them well, with stable legal and social institutions that help people out of that theoretical context that is relevant, yet lacks applicability due to the commonalities being faced. So - it is good to introduce social media and entrepreneurship. It will benefit us even if it is not in some terms, where in cyberspace, we may lack pursuit of sobriety and resilient individuality to consider. Patience and ethics shall drive to make our machines better. Thus, when we need to fix capitalist regimes we need to learn that such possibilities are deemed to succeed. However, this can only happen when we learn how our regimes draft our fate, and how come we materialise those real contexts in different dimensions. Because capitalism is now no more an economic problem, but instead a realm.

Bangladesh is trying to succeed in terms of due motivation and social - not socialist - efforts under Mohammad Younus towards the same realm. And thus, it is duly hoped that information as capital is used in a legal consciousness, to embattle and regain control over capitalism as a realm of social proportionality, and not fake equality. This process is also not Communist, because it does not ever foster an absolute equality, which never happens in the economies of the EU and Asiatic nations, where economic capitalism is becoming a showy process. Not only International Law, but also regimes of equality need to learn how the approach of conceptual equity works. It is not actually about those two references with no spectator observation we are mistaken to seek in politics, when it can really foster an infinite distributivity, i.e., diversity of understanding towards political establishments at economic, social and other upfronts. If this happens, then the rules of comparison become more efficient and effective, when you compare yourself to not a single one, follow this rule and make a mess. What is now viable is now comparing that A to all the rest, the repetition can be done with others and generalizing them as individual observations with accountable standards.

We cannot expect a wave of equity to be triggered quickly, but irrespective of this, the best of us can still embark towards leading socio-economic and political developments towards a reality, which Europe and Asia can experience together. Cooperation is always free, lest it depends on how costly we make them.

[1] China causes an economic turnout of debt trap, which it encourages with African and some EU states.

[2] Lakinbofa Goodluck, "China’s cheap loan to slavery - Ships & Ports", 2018.

[3] Christine Mungal, "Could Ethiopia’s new airport rival Heathrow?", 2018.

[4] Same situation is in India, the US, Japan, UK, Canada, Mexico and even China.

[5] Elisabeth Warren, 'A Foreign Policy For All' (Foreign Affairs, 2018) <> accessed 30 November 2018.

[6] Ashutosh Mishra, "BJP receives maximum funding from corporate donors, says report", 2018.

[7] Shambhavi Anand, "Ahead of polls, BJP becomes the number one advertiser on television", 2018

[8] "Targeted pro-Brexit Facebook ads revealed", 2018.

[9] Guy Verhofstadt, 'Mark Zuckerberg Has Lost Control Of Facebook | By Guy Verhofstadt' (Project Syndicate, 2018) <> accessed 30 November 2018.

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